Heritage Ridge

Read about the 7 Health Benefits of Golf!

Golf is both mentally stimulating and physically challenging. Here are 7 scientific reasons why your favourite sport such an amazing game for both the body and the mind!

Heart Health

Walking, carrying your bag, and swinging all get the blood pumping to your heart. This physical exercise reduces your risk of stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, especially if combined with a healthy diet.

Brain Stimulation

Walking the golf course strengthens the brain’s memory circuits. By staying active, you make sure your brain has a strong blood supply, which is essential to help it function better now and in the future.

Weight Loss

An 18-hole round easily exceeds the recommended daily step count of 10,000 for weight loss. A male golfer burns an average of 2,500 kCal during an 18-hole round, and female players burn approximately 1,500 kCal.

Stress Reduction

Walking in fresh air, socializing, and the mental challenge of golf releases the mood-enhancing chemicals in your brain, which make you happy and relaxed.

Improved Sleep

Walking the course gives you fresh air and a good workout – a powerful combination that helps you sleep faster and remain sleeping for longer.

Low Injury

Golf is attractive to people of all ages because it is a low-impact sport that allows players to burn calories with a low risk of injury.


A Swedish study found that golfers have a 40% lower death rate, which corresponds to a 5-year increase in life expectancy!

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